Our purpose at Huntlancer is to showcase all things freelancing; whether that is “how to” guides on entering the world of self-employment; exhibiting the wide scope of weird and wonderful art that is produced daily online; and the best places you can begin your freelancing journey, whether that is on online marketplaces, or free online courses to boost your skillset.
Today is no different. We are still showcasing talent, but with a twist: our new ‘Freelance Hunt’ series, where our team discovers the untapped talent on Fiverr, and hires them for a fun project to really show off their skills.
Project number one in the series is designing our very own Huntlancer logo, where our hired logo designers on Fiverr take onboard the purpose and theme of our website, and encompass that into a neat, cool logo.
Related Post: We paid artists on Fiverr to come up with creative face mask designs
We hired a range of Fiverr creates, from logo designers selling for 5$, to new sellers, all the way to top rated – each with their own, unique take on our logo. It can be easy to get taken in by the levels of a seller, but everyone starts somewhere so leave fun, useful reviews – it could change a seller’s career!
This is no easy feat, but each logo design we have displayed below embraces the Huntlancer brand and story, yet they couldn’t be more different. What’s better is that each logo designer is an active seller on Fiverr and available for work. See a logo you like? Drop the seller a message and you can get your own customised, artistic logo that suits you and your brand.
The 5$ Roulette
Usually when setting aside budget for a new project – like a new logo – you will probably factor in spending slightly more than 5$. Hear us out though, hiring a person for as little as 5$ is not only great for your wallet, but there is a chance you could receive work that is really special. Not only that, but most sellers on Fiverr keep their prices low to begin with, therefore buying for 5$ means you are building up a small business and inadvertently promoting a gig!
Fun Mascot Cartoon Logo by Makeitvectory, Indonesia
Fun Mascot is the perfect way to describe this logo. A cheeky grin and bright colours, Makeivectory’s figure looks thrilled to be at his laptop hunting for freelancers – the design is a great effort for a mere for 5$.
Gig: I will design cute mascot or cartoon logo design for you

Flat Minimalist Logo by Ledivek, Poland
Maybe not the most professionally executed logo of the bunch, but a solid effort from Ledivek and definitely worth the 5$. With a font that wouldn’t look out of place in a ‘Transformers’ movie, and a suited and booted businessman framed by a magnifying glass, this definitely takes our goal to search for freelancers literally.
Gig: I will make 2 awesome logo designs

New Sellers – Budget spent: 71$
The New Sellers on Fiverr are ready and raring to go, with their new gigs up and running they can’t wait for those first orders to come through and build up their reviews. The New Sellers we hired on our ‘Freelance Hunt’ were creative and ambitious in design, coming up with concepts we had never original thought of – and all for the reasonable price of 71$, check them out!
Flat Mascot Logo Design by Mariagrimaldos, Spain
A step back into medieval times, Mariagrimaldos’ logo is a unique take on the ‘hunt’ half of our website’s name and is a breath of fresh air. She combines the traditional figure of a hunter with a modern design, reminiscent of the characters on playing cards.
Gig: I will design flat or minimalist logo

Flat Logo Design by Sohailsadruddin, USA
This seller decided against including a character in the logo, instead choosing a simple, straightforward font, and using ‘H’ as the focal point. Our name is clear, our colour scheme is there – it gets the job done.
Gig: I will design custom professional logo

Vintage Logo by Alexa_vintage1, Canada
Alexa_vintage1’s logo stands out from the crowd, choosing to divert from our native green colour and embracing her vintage style, making our brand her own. Going for monochrome colours and a pop of orange, this logo is simple but effective.
Gig: I will create vintage retro badge business logo design

Level One Sellers – Budget spent 30$
At Level One, sellers have really found their feet in the world of freelancing and have built up a steady amount of reviews to get them noticed. Our hired level one designers showed off their skills and gave us intricate, modern logos that were definitely weird and wonderful.
Modern Logo by Prestigedesigns, UK
This logo design embodies unique, and at first is not obvious in what it depicts. Although there is familiarity in the colours chosen, the icon is unusual, and it takes a second for your eyes to adjust and notice the target – perfect for someone on the hunt for freelancers.
Gig: I will design a professional logo with unlimited revisions

Minimalist Logo by Twentydesign, Belgium
This logo could not be further from what we expected. Completely different from the pack but impressive in its own right, Twentydesign locked onto the ‘hunting’ aspect of our brand and the end result is a sophisticated, high quality design.
Gig: I will design 4 minimalist business logo design and brand identity versatile hand drawn

Level Two Sellers – Budget spent 61$
At Level Two, sellers on Fiverr have really started to find their feet in this online marketplace, collecting reviews and building up regular clients and the forging the beginnings of a solid book of business. These designers understood the brief and ran with it, creating fun, cartoon-style logos for Huntlancer.
Hand drawn logo by Fast_gfx, Pakistan
This was our first glimpse at the archer concept and it did not disappoint, being a firm favourite for our team members. The use of shapes and minimalism paired with a casual font yet strong hunter embodies our team and our spirit, with hints of our signature green stealing the show.
Gig: I will create a story teller hand drawn logo

Character Cartoon Style Logo by Saybrand, Indonesia
We know what you’re thinking, and no, this is not Zelda (but we can clearly see where this seller gets their inspiration from). This mischievous cartoon has his eyes on the prize, with a freelancing target in sight ready to shoot.
Gig: I will design cute hand drawn cartoon logo

Top Rated Sellers – Budget spent 148$
By the time a seller reaches Top Rated status on Fiverr, they are completely well-versed in the process of freelancing through the marketplace, they have a strong portfolio of business and reviews and are masters of their craft. The Top Rated logo designers we hired are no different, and gave us creative, sophisticated and extremely well executed designs.
Watercolor Logo by Strawberrique, Netherlands
Watercolor is not the medium you expect to see when requesting a digital logo, yet Strawberrique champions traditional art styles, and manages to create a delicate yet powerful and unforgettable design.
Gig: I will design an original and elegant watercolor logo for you

Modern minimalist Logo by Adripoggetti, Brazil
A stand out design amongst our list of sellers, this design is no nonsense and does not hide behind gimmicks or over the top characters. Taking the ‘H’ of our name and including the hunter iconography to complete the letter, Adripoggetti’s logo is a minimalist masterpiece.
Gig: I will do a modern, flat and minimalist logo

It’s safe to say our first ‘Freelance Hunt’ was a huge success. From the novice new sellers taking on our colour scheme and our themes, to the experienced top rated sellers who experimented with colour, font and concepts, all these logo designers on Fiverr delivered a logo style for everyone to enjoy.
Personal favourites I hear you ask? It has to be either the hand drawn logo by Fast_gfx, or the flat mascot logo desing by Mariagrimaldos – a tough decision as they were amongst a collection of strong contenders!
Remember, each of the sellers we have exhibited today all actively sell on Fiverr, so check out their gigs and keep them in mind if you are ever in need of a logo.